Simes Law



Zoë is an Associate at Simes Law. She is passionate about connecting with clients to understand fully what their legal needs are, and what a just outcome looks like for them specifically. Her approach to advocacy is informed by her previous work in frontline social services in Toronto. 

Zoë earned her law degree from the University of Windsor, and holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Toronto. During her time at law school, Zoë volunteered with Community Legal Aid, and spent time working with the Ontario Justice Education Network (OJEN). Zoë was the 2022 recipient of the Tate Herbert Memorial Post-Secondary Award which recognizes a post-secondary student volunteer who has exceeded expectations and made a significant contribution to OJEN’s justice education initiatives.

When not in the office, Zoë is often at the ceramics studio, or practicing powerlifting at the gym.

Zoëy Peters full body

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